Control of skin friction and convective heat transfer in wall-bounded flows

18 March — 20 March 2024, Madrid, Spain


Scientific program
The final version of the program is available here: [ Program ]
The book of abstracts can be downloaded here: [ Book_of_abstracts ]

Information for speakers
The time slots of each contribution is 20 minutes: 15 minutes presentation + 4 minutes discussion + 1 minute speaker change.
For keynote lectures the 50-minutes slot is split in 40 minutes presentation plus 10 minutes of discussion.
The room is equipped with a computer, an LCD projector, a screen and a pointer. Speakers may also use their own laptop computer. In that case, they should bring their adapter to connect their laptop to a full-size HDMI.

Social Program
A welcome informal event will take place on Monday 18th, 18.30, in Taberna El Schotis. [ Map ]

The social dinner will take place on Tuesday 19th, 20.30, in La Huerta de Tudela. [ Map ]